Monday, June 22, 2009

A Thank-You to Fathers

In remembrance of Fathers' Day yesterday, I spent some time thinking about how important fathers are and how much they mean to us. Obviously, without fathers, none of us would be here. But really and truly, fathers contribute so much to who we are and who we become.

I was blessed to have grown up with a great dad who loved my siblings and me, who loved my mom, who was invested in our lives, who spoke encouragement into our lives, who disciplined us, and who cultivated the best in us. I couldn't be with my dad yesterday, since we live 1,500 miles apart (although I did get to spend time with some other "dads" in my life). But in honor of my dad, in honor of the other men who have been "fathers" to me, and in honor of all of the fathers around the world, I would like to say this:

Thank you for loving your kids.
Thank you for loving their moms, even when things are tough.
Thank you for showing your kids that "family" means that you are committed, that you stick it through, that you work things out.
Thank you for envisioning the best for your kids, and expecting the best of your kids, and empowering them to achieve their best.
Thank you for modeling honesty, and integrity, and hard work, and commitment.
Thank you for showing your kids that family matters more than a job does.
Thank you for showing your kids what it means to do hard things.
Thank you for saying "no" sometimes.
Thank you for talking with your kids, and for explaining why you say "no".
Thank you for being patient and long-suffering and always loving, even when your kids don't seem to like you or care about you or think anything of you.
Thank you for forgiving your kids, and for showing them grace when they come back around.
Thank you for teaching your kids how to be self-disciplined.
Thank you for teaching your kids the consequences of disobedience, and sin, and poor choices.
Thank you for teaching your kids to respect God, and country, and authority.
Thank you for teaching your kids the dignity of human life.
Thank you for showing your kids how to be giving and generous to all.
Thank you for giving your kids the freedom to fail, and to come to you for encouragement, and to pick themselves up, and to try again.
Thank you for showing your kids that your love for them is not contingent on what they do, or how well they perform, or whether they are successful at everything, or whether they always make good choices, but that you love them just because, forever.
Thank you for teaching your kids to be good stewards of the resources they have been given.
Thank you for teaching your kids to enjoy the simple things in life.
Thank you for teaching your kids to give thanks in all things, and to appreciate people.
Thank you for empowering your kids to soar.

Thank you for being a dad.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that someone didn't make a comment regarding this tribute to fathers.
    Well Haley, this might be late, but I just followed your links & discovered it. You already know that I'm one of your fans, as is my 'other-half', who loves you as a 'granddaughter'. Your tribute is beautiful, thoughtful and hits all the buttons. Once again, you have shown how thoughtful, caring and creative you really are.
    As always, we love you,
